Soop Commission

- Illustration
- Mixing
- Vocal Guides


Art Commission

Rough Sketch + Rough Color(for free!)

  • Head shot : 8 USD

  • Half body : 10 USD

  • Full body : 15 USD

Lineart + Full Color

  • Head shot : 10 USD

  • Half body : 15 USD

  • Full body : 20 USD

extra light/ Simple BG : +3 USD

Mix Commission


  • Timing : 10 USD

  • Tuning : 10 USD

  • Mix+Master : 15 USD

  • Full Mix : 30 USD (include timing tuning mix master)

  • THB rate : 35.00 THB = 1 USD

(Maximum of : Main 1 track, Harmony 2 tracks, Adlibs 2 track)


  • Timing : 15 USD

  • Tuning : 15 USD

  • Mix+Master : 20 USD

  • Full Mix : 45 USD

  • THB rate : 35.00 THB = 1 USD

(Maximum of (per person) : Main 2 tracks, Harmony 3 tracks, Adlibs 2 tracks)

Group not accept yet
